Friday, April 15, 2011

Jake Needs a Man Purse

How many times has Jake lost his wallet this month? 


How much time do we spend looking for his phone?


Has Jake lost a set of car keys?


I think he needs a man purse. 
It's a lot harder to misplace a purse.

And if Usher has one, they have to be cool right?

Or maybe this door mat would be better.
The man purse/doormat solves the key, wallet, phone problem...

but Jake also forgets the CAR a lot. 

He forgets that he took it to school and walks home, leaving the car on campus. 

I'm really not sure how to solve this it on his hand? 
Attach a zapper to his ankle that goes off when he gets to far from the car? 



  1. Haha! Fortunately, Everett is pretty good at remembering his things. Except for last Saturday when we went out to eat at Five Guys, got up to the counter and ordered our food, only to realize that he had forgotten his wallet back home. When we came back, the cashier who took our first order remembered us and, even though she wasn't the one taking our second order, she still handed over two water cups just as we'd requested before. :)
