Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Memory Makers

Our home, with it's living room tent camp out, sleep on the ground because our air conditioner only cooled one room, and put Julia through the window when we locked ourselves out memories, is no longer ours. Taking one last look before locking the door a flash flood of memories flowed through my mind. This was our first apartment, the place where Julia and I ate ice-cream every night before deciding we needed a diet. Where we stained a dresser, planned monthly vacations, had water fights, were invaded by wasps, and fell in love with LOST. With this influx of emotions, second thoughts started to creep in but then I realized every memory I was thinking about happened with Julia. It was never the house that made any of those things great, it was sharing it with my wife. I love our new house, possibly because it has new carpet, paint and bathroom flooring, but mainly because I share it with the girl I make memories with. The new house will be the place where I graduate and where we bring home our new baby but in the end, it's just a house. Julia is my partner in every adventure no matter where we go or where we live.

1 comment:

  1. What a great perspective Jake! After 26 years and 10 addresses (some as short as two months, currently 14 1/2 years), we could not agree more. Thank you for loving our girl and for being her stripling warrior. Love, Gordon & Jerry
